2:38 PM Power Amplifier BA5417 Stereo Power Amplifier Circuit BA5417 stereo amplifier circuit has of good features like thermal shut down, standby function, soft clipping, wide operating voltage range e...
1:35 PM Audio 3VDC Stereo Headphone Amplifier by IC LM4910 This is a stereo headphone amplifier circuit of using LM4910 IC. This circuit is very simple so it is very easy to make even for beginners o...
9:42 AM LED/ Lighting 10 LED VU Meter Using IC LM3914 This 10 LED VU meter circuit has only a few parts but is useful as an indicator for the measurement of entering acoustic signals. The circui...
1:49 PM Mikrokontroller AT89s51-52 and AVR USB Downloader Microcontroller T89s51, AT89S52 and AVR is an idol among students. Well now because of technology trends and laptop PCs already left the LPT...
2:47 PM Sensor/ Pendeteksi Rangkaian Pendeteksi Angin This circuit uses an incandescent lamp to detect airflow (mendeteksi angin). With the filament exposed to air, a constant current source is ...
2:17 PM Control/ Pengendali Stepper Motor Controller using IC 4027 The stepper controller circuit is very interesting, since most lines the step motor controllers are very expensive. The circuit is made of...
2:54 PM Box speaker Ukuran Box Subwoofer 10" This subwoofer box was created to match and aid the 1.618 Hi-Vi 3-way tower loudspeakers. The main focus of the HiVi 10" subwoofer was ...